Friday, September 28, 2007

the little bird incident

Omigosh! I just saw the most curious sight! The most awesome winds are blowing outside. It's so strong that when I looked out my window, I saw a bird hovering just outside my window! It's so funny!! You know that birds aren't able to hover, right? Well, this bird was trying to fly against the wind but it was so strong that it looked like it was hovering instead.

But the poor thing! The wind only got stronger and it was blown backwards. Hahahahaha!!

PS. Winds like these actually scare me a little cos they seem so violent. But the little bird incident was too cute!


Anonymous said...

ROFL... poor birdy. That had to have been quite an unexpected sight though outside the window though.

DDeden said...

That's cute. I saw some birds do that on a steep hillside, the wind blowing upwards and sideways, they just glided without moving, I thought they were being lazy.

The little garden outside here has hummingbirds feeding on the flowers nectar, they often hover and sometimes even fly in reverse, which is funny too.

Kim said...

salian: haha! yeah, it was. i was only looking out to check out the scene and there was that poor birdy there.

dude: i've only seen birds doing that on tv. yes, i thought they looked like such lazy creatures then too. :P

yeah, i'm sorry. i meant to say with the exception of hummingbirds but i got lazy. hahaha.

DDeden said...

Late breaking news trivia: The American Long-Tongued Bat also "hovers" around flowers, licking nectar. sweet!

flap flap flap flap flap flap in 1 second.

I wanna put some caffeine in a flower and watch it go, I bet it flaps so fast it's wings start melting! fp fp fp fp fp plunk.

Kim said...

yeah, but bats aren't birds. they're mammals. hehehe. if i'm not mistaken, those are also some of the smallest bats.

DDeden said...

True, but still neat. I didn't expect a bat could hover, I thought it would hang from the flower somehow and slurp. The bats and hummers must have incredible metabolisms. I wonder if they get a full night's sleep, or if they take a midnight snack. Bet they get a hangover from the fermented nectar. I'm sure I would.

Kim said...

oh! i'm pretty sure that's the reason why they are able to hover and flap their wings so many times in just one second. :P

Jill said...

bat bird drunk?

Was gonna comment on the bird being cute and all, but eh.. now the only thing in my head is a bat and a bird doing a drunk mating ritual over honey flowers.

Kim said...

hahahahahahaa!!!! what! that's so random. a drunk mating ritual.. right..

DDeden said...

So sweet! But I think they would get tongue tied if they got too close.

All the flower nectar lickers have super long tongues: hummingbirds, nectar bats, butterflies and honeybees (and male mosquitoes), they all hover.

The bat's tongue is almost twice the length of it's body. Sluuuuuuuuuuurp!

Kim said...

hmmmmmm... ~_~
horny people are commenting on my blog.
i kid i kid.

DDeden said...

hehe, such imagination...

ok, i nak jalan, take care,

adieu, thanks for chatting :)