Wednesday, October 31, 2007

satisfying the nomad in me - MOVING!

Yes, I've finally decided. I'm moving. As usual. I can never stick to one blog for long. Oh, how I wish I could. But after awhile I just get so very frustrated with something or other and I just need to start over again with a clean slate.

And just when I got it good too, eh? I've been getting so many hits to my site but I also feel bad that some of the hits come from people looking for an actual Cupcakes and Muffins website. Hahaha.

I have a few posts up already. That was in between deciding whether to move or not. Basically testing the waters and seeing if I could like it. I decided that I did.

Do update your links, your bookmarks, your RSS. I'm moving to:!

I'm so sorry, CnM. There are so many good memories here. Sigh.


Jordan said...

Haha, wow. I just recently started an electronica project, and was going research on a named i'd chose. 'Cupcakes And Muffins'

I happened to notice your blog popping up a LOT, so I figured i'd drop a comment.


Kim said...

hahaha. i'm sorry. that happens a lot. especially to those looking for recipes on cupcakes and muffins. :P

and damn it's scary how u say that my blog has been popping up a LOT?

but thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. :D