Wednesday, September 06, 2006

this dog is a cutie pie

The almost rug.
The almost rug.

The other day I went over to the hair salon and I met the most adorable individual. It made me want to hug him, squeeze him, love him. Ah, isn't he the cutest? After I was done doing my hair, I got up off the chair and almost walked on the little fellow. (Or lassie. Hmm.. I'm not too sure.) Because the way it was sitting on the floor was so much like that rug we have up in my parents' bedroom!

Except that this one had softer hair. And it was sooooo clean. Clean doggy.. it wasn't even smelly! Ah... *hugs* It was watching me so I took a picture of it. Hee. Perfect! After awhile it got up and started chasing it's tail. Hahahahaa! Stupid adorable dumb funny dog.

I didn't manage to start recording a video of it chasing its tail before it stopped and started looking at all the other people wakling past it. Watching them sashaying past with their shiny new hair, knowing that its hair is still the best. The cheek of that dog!

So adorable.. the people who run the hair salon tied its' front hair up so that it could see.. and they dyed the very tip of its' tail pink as well as the tip of the doggy's front hair.

I'm so jealous of this little dog's hair. Seriously. Cos it's so nice, clean, and soft. Lol!

After awhile of staring at the people, it got up, walked over to the front door, and plopped itself down on the floor and stared out into the world. That poor lonesome dog..


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