Tuesday, October 10, 2006

malaysian public service announcements

I don't mean to be bitchy or anything. But I noticed that the latest PSAs that has been churned out by the Public Service Department have been really demeaning if you take a good look or listen at it.

They have been demeaning to women especially.

First PSA (may not be specifically correct)

Man #1: Aiyoh.. my wife ah.. everytime shopping..
Man #2: Yalah. And they always take so long!
Man #3: That's why I always tell my wife... choose smart and buy.
Man #4: Yes, wives should learn how to choose smart, pick good quality, pick best price and buy!
Man #2: Hahaha. Then we won't have to wait so long either!
Narrator: Choose smart, pick good quality, go for best price, then buy. Shop smart.

So ignorant! That is what we call gender discrimination.

And what? Wouldn't have to wait so long? Eh, hello?? If you want us to really look for the best quality, the best price, before we purchase anything, it'd take longer.

What pisses me off is that it showcases a group of men making assumptions and thinking that they're better than the fairer sex.

Isn't it already known anyway that men are the ones who are actually the more thrifty shoppers? Not to mention that they spend more too?

Second PSA (may not be specifically correct either)

Wife: Aiyah.. this Syabas water company so useless. Everytime got something wrong!
Husband: Don't be like that.. Don't you know? Syabas is currently undergoing blablabla and is trying to fix its problems so that things would be better in the future.
Wife: Oh.. heh heh.. oh okay.. thank you Syabas!

Okay, so that may not really be a PSA but it still pisses me off. This is because Miss Wife was just speaking her mind and after one single sentence from so-called husband, she quickly changes her mind as if she's a mindless zombie that just needed to be reprogrammed.

She couldn't support her claims and how quickly she changed her attitude towards the company just because her husband thought of the company otherwise. It sounded as if she is too afraid of confrontation and is unable to think for herself and that she just doesn't want her husband to be angry at her.

I just hate that she had to act so weak and that she has to potray a total pushover.

Sheesh. Malaysian PSAs.

So lacking in creativity and so unconcerned about what else they might be saying.

1 comment:

Kim said...

true. well, it might stop. but it would most likely take a long while before it does.

women.. hmm.. i get what you're saying although i don't know of many girls who do speak out for women rights or how they would act in real life. whether or not they contradict themselves.

but sheesh. i thought that the people who would produce and air these announcements would be more aware of what they are doing and what they are REALLY saying.

it's almost as if the scripts were written in 5 minutes. actually, i'm almost pretty sure that they were.

just goes to show how much thought was put into the process.