Thursday, February 15, 2007

i don't like sweating

With nothing much to do here in Seremban, I might actually be blogging more. But subject to if I have enough privacy to do so once EVERYONE arrives. Right now, there is only 6 of us staying in the house. But once everyone gets here, we would probably reach a total of 18. I wonder how our sleeping arrangements might turn out to be. Funny leh if someone had to sleep on the kitchen island, the bar counter, the picnic table outside the house. I mean, it's funny as long as it isn't me. :P

You know, I honestly think that Miri is still cooler than Seremban. Over here it's HOT HOT HOT. Probably cos there are no trees here. Not to say that there aren't any trees - at all. But there is a lack of them. I went to town yesterday afternoon, and there were absolutely no trees around. It was so fucking hot. Along the main roads pun sikda. Kat rumah pun sikda. Ada pun nya kecik gila. Itu pun they are not the kind that would grow to be big and wide and leafy and provide shade. The only big trees that I see around here are part of the jungle. Far away from civilisation. Even my uncle is like, the MPS (Majlis Perbandaran Seremban) is crazy cos they cut all the trees near town down. No wonder so blardy hot.

21 years old liaw. Make sure mommy and daddy gets you nice jewellry, okay? Make sure you get a diamond encrusted key pendant. It's tradition for 21 year old girls to receive a key on her 21st birthday, isn't it? Meaning that she's now independant. Free from her parents. Teehee. I highly doubt that that would happen when I turn 21 though. Bah. Have a great birthday. ;)


me_yasmin said... sweet of you to dedicate one paragraph to wish me happy birthday! my parents did get me a key pendant, only it's not encrusted with diamonds, save for a tiny one. I'm happy nonetheless. I got flowers, too...and an ice cream cake! mmm...cake...

Kim said...

haha. of course. 21st birthday. should be a big deal. :P ah sweet! they actually got you a key. i'll bet that if anyone in my family gets me a key, it'd be from a duplicate key stalls. uhuhuuu.