Friday, February 02, 2007

i was in KL!

On the bus in KL after getting off the plane.

Was about time I was getting out of Miri! Was travelling together with the brother, the cousin, the grandma, and the boyfriend. Our flight was to KL. T'was my first time flying via AirAsia. It was okay. I was sort of expecting the worst. Being seperated from the rest of my family, being stuck having to sit with some fat smelly bastard with air sickness. Then having my baggage lost, or coming back somehow getting soaked in fuel and then I would have to watch it coming down the luggage belt in flames. But fortunately, none of that happened. Our flight took off almost on time, we landed, almost on time. None of our luggage was lost, and we had family to pick us up from the airport.

Waiting out the rain.

We stayed in KL for a few days before we going down to Singapore via Aeroline Bus. But for the few days we were in KL, we managed to get caught in KL's fat, chubby rain, had the liberty of being overcharged for taking a taxi, and helped Mark to buy a PS2. Another thing I ought to mention was that, for some odd reason, we couldn't find any pirated games to buy while we were there. So, too late for came the day when we had to take the bus down to Singapore. But before I go there, some more pictures! WE WENT TO AQUARIA KLCC!

This little dude reminds me of Jabba the Hut!

This guy was massive! He was probably about the size of my foot.

Pretty spider!


Tunnel of fishes.

This turtle was so funny. He's the only turtle I've ever seen that has its flippers up on its back like that. Even after swimming, he'd return to this position.

The boys in the tunnel of luurrrve. Kekeke.

Me in the underwater tunnel. One good thing about being a tourist is taking touristy pictures of yourself. Hah!

Aaron paid to get a caricature of himself drawn.

The almost finished product.


Not so sweet.

Funny, hor?? I told the boys to go to the fish tank so that I could take pictures of their sillouettes and this was how they posed. Can you imagine, the people who was walking past behind me were all laughing at how funny they were acting. Hahaha. I'm glad that I got people to smile and laugh about it. :P

On the trip down to Singapore, I wasn't expecting the worst on the bus ride, in fact, I was expecting much better. But what I got was worse than I could have imagined. Everything about the bus was fine. EXCEPT the toilet. And that was because the toilet was... so small. Like, tiny. I had to back out of the toilet backwards to get out of it. Eesh. But what made it bad was the experience.

There was this whole deal with losing my brother's passport. Of course then everyone panicked, cos how is he gonna cross the border without his passport, right? Anyways, its a really bad experience which I don't want to go through ever again. Alas for you guys, you'll never get to hear that horrid tale. But all you need to know is that the tale has a happy ending where we finally found his passport, but by then, we had left my brother at the immigration place, so after arriving in Singapore, and after my aunt picked us up, we had to go back into Johor to pick him up again. Heh heh. Of course, my brother was pissed. Of course, the grandma complained and pointed fingers. Of course, the boyfriend came to the defense. Of course, the cousin stood to the side and kept as quiet as he could. Hmm. Looks like I basically told the whole tale already. =)


Anonymous said...

wow...that looks like fun...

I went to Sydney last december and those pics kinda reminded me of the aquarium there...for a moment I actually thought u were in australia!

Gothmazie said...

nice holz u eh. so nice wan. i cant believe u said spiders r pretty cute. gross, scary, berbulu again dat tarantula. eek!!im freaked n scared of spiders!!

allegro424 said...

sweet! u took pics of aquaria.. now i dont have to go there to see it.. heh...

Kim said...

hyper: it was fun. i actually went into the place quite begrudgingly but in the end, i had fun. funny.. cos i've been to underwater aquariums tonnes of times before.

azie: hahaha... the spider IS cute. i thought the lizard was so gross... i CAN'T BELIEVE I TOOK A PICTURE OF IT. EW EW EW EW EW. especially since I had to go so close to it. ARGH. i hate lizards.

jawing: -_-"!!!! you were the one who suggested i visit aquaria.. i figured you've probably been to the place at least once! -_-"