Friday, April 13, 2007

not a blogger

I'm bored.

I'm getting tired of this whole blogging scene. I was thinking of either just stopping it altogether or moving on and making a new blog just because I'm getting so jaded from this one. I know it will be hard to quit especially since I'm somewhat of an addict.

Or was.

I haven't felt like one in ages. You know an addicted blogger behaves. They live their lives and have cameras ready in case they catch something interesting so that they would have something to show others when they get back home and get back in front of their computers and blog. Or when something interesting happens, they go "Oh! I will definitely put this into my blog! I can't wait to tell everyone and receive their comments."

The more "anti-social" and depressed bloggers would whine and whine and whine. About nothing but themselves. But they will still blog because they believe that they have no one but their blog. Their blog is their security blanket and although they act as though they don't care, they do.

Then there are those who glorify themselves. The terribly vain. Those who blog to be famous. Who try so terribly hard to suck traffic just to be known. I think I've said enough.

There may be more categories in which you can place certain bloggers into. There are some who may be the exception to the rule, of course. These people are the ones who do manage to entertain, to address the issues, to keep others up to date. These people, although may be able to fit in either one or several of the categories, are only different because they are real.

I don't feel like anyone of the above. My life involves nothing too shocking nor extreme. Nor do I go clubbing. I'm not pretty. I'm not depressed enough to act all emo. I'm not doing this for fame. I have no new discoveries or ground shattering lessons nor any wise words to share.

My life at the moment, although far from being perfect, is rather dull, stable, and as uninteresting as it can be. I'm sorry I cannot be as honest as I used to be and that may be the saddest thing, really.

I do really hate myself for turning boring.


Terence said...

u're blogging cuz u're good at it durh. that's a good enough reason.

Kim said...

i didn't know u still dropped by here. hehe. and obviously, i didn't stop. :P

Anonymous said...

Hope it's not my fault

Kim said...

i don't get how it's your fault...?
is it cos u've urself stopped blogging? :P

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Cuz I'm a bad influence.