Monday, September 18, 2006

useless boys

Okay. This is getting annoying. I don't go out often, but when I do.. there are guys who are just staring staring staring. Eeeeeee. I hate that. So whenever I'm with Mark, I'll run over to where he is, and grab his hand so that they would know not to disturb me!

Yeah, that's right! I'm taken!!

What's funny though is that when I do that, those guys would do a double take. Hey, I don't blame them. It's not often that they see a skinny hot chick with some horizontally challenged boy. In fact, I would do that too. I used to raise an eyebrow to guys who are good looking and built enough to have any girl he wants but chooses to be with some incredibly fat chick. Or to girls who are skinny with a guy who is much bigger than she.

Sometimes, I'll walk pass with Mark and I would see these guys looking at me as I walked in their direction and then pass them with Mark holding my hand and I would hear them exclaim, "Woo.. boleh tahan." Stupid stupid stupid. I wish they didn't have to do that.

In a way, it's a compliment, to both Mark and I but really.. just like today.. I went out for lunch to McD with my dad and my little sis. My dad went off first to buy some things from the supermarket downstairs leaving my lil sis and I to continue on with our food..

There was this group of boy who were just miling around. Before, I noticed them trying on some sunnies at a small shop. After my dad left, they decided to sit around a table in McD and that's when I noticed that they were all carrying a video camera.

Nothing wrong with bringing around a video camera. But I got really... I don't know what's the word.. but try to guess what I felt when they pointed it straight at me. I know this because there's no one else that was sitting in line with where they were pointing their camera.

And they even had their lens off. But I know that they're not recording cos I know how video cams work. A little red light would come on if they started recording. After a few minutes.. I noticed that they had their camera still trained on me, and then I noticed that this time, the little red light on their bloody camera is on.

Bastards. Have they no respect for other people's privacy? I decided to hurry up and usher my lil sis to finish with her lunch and then left. I don't think they got much recording time of me sitting and innocently drinking my coke.

Pfft! C'mon la... and it was one of those days where I didn't bother to dress up or to do anything nice to my hair. At least let me do that if you wanna record, k? Nyahahaha.



Anonymous said...

It me :D
I always wanted to asked you where your blog went but i can't seem to remember that when i see you :P

Maybe you should take up modeling course too :P

Kim said...

hello you!
i was so suprised to see you in curtin leh!
hehehe.. yeah.. i discontinued it after my mom uh... found out about it and advised me against blogging.. but decided to continue just because i felt like it..
curtin offers a modelling course?? :shock: lol!!

pinknerd said...

It sucks to be gorgeous you mean? Hahaha, I know how it feels to be stared at.. all the time.

Except that bad news for me, I get older people's attention. I guess I look 45. Hahaha.

Worrying.. tsk tsk tsk.

Kim said...

noo... it's great to be gorgeous. not that i am. lol. but yes.. the ppl staring at you bit kinda gets to me. i'm introverted. i'm shy. i don't like getting attention i'm not expecting.

and nyeh? no, you don't look 45! stop exaggerating. :P maybe it's just your very mature aura which you uh... exhume? wait. that's not right.. but you get what i mean, right? ;)