Monday, January 15, 2007

campbells ad for their new mucus soup

Have you seen these promotional ads in a supermarket where you live? If you haven't seen these ads before, click on the pictures above to enlarge them.

Gross, isn't it? Those things above their lips look like snot. Because of where the "soup" is placed on their faces, you would think that it IS in fact, snot. The fact that they're both licking it off with their tongues.. Eurgh!!

However, I still like Campbells Soup so this would not throw me off them. But this is just bad advertising.

Just sharing!


Anonymous said...

nola. i have no prob with the ads leh. yummmmmmmm

Jill said...

eeee yuks. :)

that's absolutely disgusting. Please post more.


allegro424 said...

miss your wits...