Thursday, March 08, 2007

read it, da

Yay. No more classes for the rest of the week! Not like I've been to many classes this week either. I've only attended maybe 50% of the classes I was supposed to go to. Mostly because I had the luck of falling sick. On the bright side, at least it's only the first week so there aren't any labs nor tutorials going on yet. And since it's only the first week, I guess I would be able to catch up. Plus, there aren't any assignments or quizzes due this week.

So, I'm lucky I got sick in the first week instead of later on. I guess.

Nothing too interesting to report. I think I'll just babble then. Eh! I still love watching Nelly Furtado's "Say it right" video. I think it's so amazing what the directors did with it. They made her look so chic and you don't even see her quirky side in that video. And and and.. the best bit may be the three fit guys dancing in the background. /heart/

Oprah was just on. The episode was about people who accidentally kill other people. They had a husband who accidentally killed his wife when he didn't bother to turn off the car, so the fumes got to her, and by the time he got home, his wife was dead.. then there's this man who accidentally killed his son because he thought his son was a burglar.. and there's also a woman who accidentally ran over a 11 year old girl. It was all really sad and sob inducing.

I wonder what would happen if it was me who accidentally killed someone. I would most likely break down, become utterly depressed forever, and then I'll become suicidal and kill myself. But I guess it wouldn't be too bad if I accidentally killed someone I didn't like. Or someone unfit for life. Bwahahhaaha. I'm so evil and mean. Kidding kidding.

I've been cleaning out my room.. am thinking of clearing out my closet as well... Dunno what I'm gonna do with all my clothes though. Sell them online? Car boot sale? Charity? Anyone wants my clothes? I need to get rid of them cos I really need more space in my closet. You know, I still haven't unpacked yet because I have no where to put all the new stuff I bought. Hahaha.

Hurmmm.. but sayang also lah. Most of the clothes I'm planning on getting rid of is still relatively new. Barely been touched. Either because they're too small (I am fat), they're nice but I'm not *ahem* fit enough to wear them (but not voluptuous enough), or too big (but still skinny). Or just that they're not my kinda thing.

How how?? See lah. I'll just think about this one a bit more. Free clothes, anyone? :P

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