Friday, March 16, 2007

useful website with video instructions

I just found this really useful website whilst searching for what nots on Google. The place is called Videojug and it's a site where they create videos concerning certain aspects of life to which many people might have questions to. Such as:

"How to make your eyes look bigger."
Girls, if you think your eyes are too small.. how to apply makeup to make them look bigger.
"How to tie a tie."
Guys, I'm sure you'll want to look smart.
"How to be the perfect girlfriend."
Absolutely hilarious! It could actually be true.
"How to be the perfect boyfriend."
Guys, want to be the perfect boyfriend and avoid that those petty little fights? Watch this video.
"How to kiss someone passionately."
Step 1.. make sure you have lips.. Step 2.. make sure you have someone to kiss.. Watch the video for the rest of the steps. Very funny. Go watch it!
"How to undo her bra with one hand."
Guys, I'm sure you'll want to see this. Extremely useful stuff! ;) Girls, watch it too. It's soooo funny.
"Pole dancing for beginners."
Wah. Interesting.

Lots and lots of really informative stuff. I think most of them are serious and informative. But there are a few that were incredibly funny. Such as the perfect girlfriend/boyfriend video and the how to kiss someone passionately video.

Lots of different categories of videos too. From food to drinks to health to beauty to pets to leisure to careers, and more. I thought it was a really good website so here I am, sharing~


Anonymous said...

*starts searching for stuff*

=Waniduckie= said...

i tak sempat watch all. Coz when i was watching the "how to undo the bra" part my dad suddenly came into the room. Wakakaka! Later la i watch the rest. Ehehe...

Anonymous said...

Hi Kimberley,

Thanks for the links to videojug, and i hope that you continue to enjoy the site. Return in April, and i think you'll be even more impressed!

Anonymous said...

I've seen videojug before. Good stuff!