Friday, March 02, 2007

i'll be around with a sniper the next time

I think I'm going to end up feeling very pissed off by the time I end this post.

Do you have this problem with these little kids who go around neighbourhoods, picking through your garbage cans, ripping up the garbage bags, taking what they want, and then leaving the place in a huge mess?? We have that problem here. How can these kids go around like that? Why would they? Are they really homeless?

The other day, three of these little girls were outside my house, picking through the garbage and we noticed that they were actually eating out of our garbage. Eating and drinking whatever leftovers we had from our new year family reunion party. That was really disgusting. You know what? It's OKAY. It's okay if they want to go through our garbage. It's okay if they want to eat our leftovers. It's all very okay so long as they clean up after. Honestly! The mess they leave behind..

Some more these kids are VERY RUDE. You tell them off for making a mess, and you try to chase them away.. and they would just look at you. And then they will take their time grabbing what they want first whilst you are on the other side of the fence shouting at them. And then when they're all done, they just get up from off the ground and walk off. Leaving a mess for you to clean up. Sometimes, if you try to go outside, remove their security blanket of knowing that you can't do anything whilst you are still trapped behind your fence, some of them would try to run into your house to steal what they can.

Fucking kids. Should really fuck their parents up for having them. Stupid people should not be allowed to procreate!! That way, all stupid genes wouldn't exist and the future generations could be of people who are smart, kind, intelligent, and caring. Do you see what a WORLD of a difference that would make?

Yeah. I was so pissed when I was done writing all that that when my brother called, I practically shouted at him. Isyk. And I stormed upstairs just now to scold my little sister after she disobeyed what I told her not to do. At least you could call it an outlet for all the steam I've built up.


pinknerd said...

Whoa, you serious?? Are they like stray kids or what? I'm suprised.. WOW.

Jill said...

OH MAN! Weirdness. How come I've never been subjected to such... homelessness when I was in Miri? wow...damn desparate kids. I hate their parents.

They eat out of the rubbish bin... eewwww...

Jill said...

OH MAN! Weirdness. How come I've never been subjected to such... homelessness when I was in Miri? wow...damn desparate kids. I hate their parents.

They eat out of the rubbish bin... eewwww...

Anonymous said...

Not everyone born to be smart, kind, intelligent, and caring like you...pal!!

Kim said...

pinknerd: i'm not sure either. i dunno why they are the way they are. i dunno if they have adults to take care of them. but it does seem like they're stray kids.

jill: haha. yeah, i know. i dun understand why their parents would let them do what they do. you want to pity them but they just make u so pissed cos of what they do.

it's like, you pity them for having to resort to picking through garbage cans but u can't help but feel angry cos they make a mess out of the place and they would steal things if given the chance.