Monday, April 09, 2007

i need money, and a lot of it

So sad! My old router finally crashed and burned. So last Saturday, we went out to buy a new router. But still very sadly! It doesn't seem to be doing a very good job. It's kinda like, gambling with it. Whether or not it wants you to be able access the internet. Damn. The thing sucks. But for some reason, it's alright when connecting wirelessly with my brother's computer.

Might be because he has a D-Link dongle. Maybe. And the router has issues with laptops. Grr!


I think I'm starting to get the hang of using Dreamweaver. Just need to work more on perfecting my design. Still looks rather boring. I have this project where my groupmates and I have to develop an educational software for a children's home in India. We came up with the idea of creating offline websites for our "educational software".

I have my fingers crossed that my groupmates aren't so tacky. Lol. But I will fight to keep the website as user friendly and easy on the eyes as possible. I would have to stay far far away from using tacky colours, using tacky animated gifs. Urgh. The thought of all that is making me shudder.

Usually I would opt for a website to be minimalistic, as you can see from this blog. But kids would love colour. Kids would love interactive objects. I don't think we have to worry about loading time since the website would be offline. Not online. Yups..


I wish we had Carls Jr. here... =( The first and last time I had something from Carl's Jr was earlier this year when I was in Singapore. Oooohhh... their burgers were huge... and they tasted so good. Nothing like the small limp loser burgers that we get here in KFC and McDonalds.

Oh, and Sugar Bun. I don't even eat burgers. Cos they don't fill me up as much as I would like them to. But if we had a Carls Jr. here, I wouldn't mind them.

Oh oh.. I also wish we had the Manhattan Fish Market here. I've been craving their prawns.

Urgh.. and how about Chili's? I want I want I want. I loved their dessert. I forgot what they called it.. But I want to have their yummy ice-cream cake that is like, a lot of vanilla ice-cream on top of this oreo like cookie bottom. Mmmmmm....


Mark doesn't want to talk to me. He's so mean. =(


And I need money for:

  1. a new router
  2. to fix my handphone, maybe get a new one? Teehee
  3. to fly over the ocean to eat good food
  4. to get my own laptop
  5. to buy a new car

Yerrrrr...... headache. I wish I had pictures to post. I need more colour on my blog. Bwahaha.


Anonymous said...

y is he not talking to u?

Kim said...

cos he's a very nasty bf. and he knows it.

Anonymous said...

Onli bcos you know deep inside of you that's the way you like him hee hee *muacks

Kim said...

wahhhh.... mark commented? first time woooo.... i knew u would if i told poopgirl that i was jk about calling you mean and nasty.

again dear, you're deluded! *hugs* :P