Wednesday, October 11, 2006

syiok shock

Did I tell you? Obviously I didn't.

Yesterday was a public holiday in Brunei. Something about the anniversary of the Quran, if I'm not mistaken.

Anyways, Mark planned to come back down to Miri on that day since it would be his birthday too.

Not to mention that he wanted to bring his Japanese friend around Curtin campus since his friend was interested in maybe undergoing a course to get another degree. Maybe.

So, he went back to Brunei on Sunday, and worked on Monday.

It wasn't confirmed whether or not he would be coming back to Miri on Tuesday.

So, that Monday afternoon, I messaged Mark asking if he would be coming back.

He replied saying that he's sorry that he could not.

I, of course, was disappointed but I expected him to stay back in Brunei anyway cos his parents told him not to come back to Miri, since it was only a one-day holiday, it's just gonna be a bit of a rush.

I replied his message, asking him what he had planned on doing the next day instead since he wouldn't be able to come back down to Miri.

I was upstairs in my room at the time. Just sitting down on my bed replying his message. I had just sent my message when someone rang the doorbell.

I was not expecting anyone so I did not bother getting up from my bed. Someone else is gonna get it. That person just wouldn't be me.

Then I heard my dad calling from the foot of the stairs, "Kim!"

I got up from bed with an urgh, what now and started trudging down the stairs.

Guess what I found at the foot of my stairs?

Evil stupid Mark.

I couldn't contain my suprise though and exclaimed, "Oh my... what the hell are you doing here??!"

"Suprise," was all he said.

Sometimes.. I think my boyfriend may not be as clueless as I think he is.


pinknerd said...

oh Marky mark!


Kim said...

~_~ errrrrrrr.....