Currently listening to: The Knack - My Sharona
Such a classic song, isn't it? I'm currently on my 10 hour break. Yeah, I had a lecture at 8 this morning which finished at 9. My next class is at 7 tonight. Bah.
I want to buy this dress online... But need credit card. :( Anyone got credit card? Just borrow to pay and I pay you back like, now also can. RM105, you want? Hehehe. I could put up the picture of the dress but lazy lah. Some more I scared you all want to buy also. Hahahaha! Kidding. Just lazy. Plus, the model is too pretty for my blog. Afterward you all won't think I'm pretty anymore. :(
Oh, you know... I like Amy Winehouse's tattoos. They really fit her. But I think her head is too big for her body. I'm not taking into account her famous beehive. :-/ And she's so skinny! I like how she dances, or tries to. Hehehehe. It's like the elderly trying to boogie with bad hips.
Oh! By the way.. what do you think of the font I'm using for this post? Is it easier to read as compared to the normal font I usually use? I mean, if you DO read what I write.
Also, since people can be so lazy. This I know cos I'm a person too. Haha. You can now listen to my blog entries instead of having to read it. Thanks to OdioGo. Just check out my sidebar and there you will find the OdioGo button. Click on it. And just listen to my posts.
Huh. So random today, Kim. Byes.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
am bored
Sunday, July 29, 2007
hell has reopened
Classes start tomorrow. I have yet to actually look at my timetable. Bleh. To be honest, I'm really not looking forward to going back to Curtin. My despise for the place has really grown. Sigh. I wish Mark was still studying there. I only met him in his last semester of his course.
Not fun! I wish we could've met earlier. You know how some people meet in uni and dated. Mark and I only got to know one another like, maybe two months before he graduated.
I don't want to go to school!! Like, I really really don't want. Like, I can throw a tantrum and cling on to my mommy's leg so she's forced to bring me home kinda don't want. I can cry too. I'm such a baby.
But I really don't want to go back to school.
I want Mark. I want my Marky. I want my baby boo panty cupcake honey sweetie gas pepsi drink. :-/ Hahahahaha! Sorry, cupcake. Muacks. I want Mark to still be studying. At least you know.. got something to keep me going. Otherwise, I would feel so depressed all the time. I love him so much for being an anchor in my life. He's saved me from depression before. He was what I needed after being so hung over nothing for too long.
I hate the fact that I have to stay back and once again watch everyone move forward without me. What am I doing in engineering... Sigh. I DO want to be able to graduate and be an engineer but maybe even if I DO have the WANT to be an engineer.. maybe some people are just not cut out for somethings.
It's hard to still be optimistic and to keep my hopes up for much anymore.
I wish I could fall and have people catch me. But I know I cannot rely or expect that to happen. Life is like that. No one likes a failure and no one will be there to help you up everytime you fall. People do get tired of always having to help.
I wish I could be the good girl. Growing up rich and pretty. Knows what she wants in life. Breezes through uni like it's nothing. Being a good child. Getting a good job. Falling in love with her husband. Having a family. Great kids who are responsible and loves their parents. Basically, breezing through life and always being happy.
I miss you already and it's only been 2 hours since I last saw you.
Friday, July 27, 2007
something about today
It's been a really creepy day for me. It's been a full day. Was out of the house most of the time because I had to help Wani out to bring her car over to the garage for servicing and getting chores done.
You know, the people working at Perodua are so unprofessional! When I stepped out of the car to check up on what Wani was talking about with one of the workers, practically every single guy at the garage started cat calling. It was not even the normal kind of cat calls you would normally get in other places. These guys were practically yelling and hooting like they've never seen a girl before. It's so degrading and awful to be in such a place.
Now, I seriously look down on Perodua. For their inability to enforce discipline and for the inability to appear like professionals. You think I would want to let these kind of people handle and take care of my car? No way. I'm never going to get a Perodua car if I can help it, ever.
After Wani and I were both done with chores, we dropped by Parkson to have lunch at McDonald's. As it was not twelve o'clock yet, meaning it hasn't yet reached lunch hour, the mall was relatively empty as compared to how packed the place would during peak hours such as lunch hour, evenings, and weekends.
We were seated and were halfway through our lunch when this guy who looked to be in his mid-40s or 50s, dark skinned, seemingly wrinkled by the sun, short hair that was on its way to becoming entirely white, and yellow teeth came up to our table. He looked dirty like he hasn't showered in awhile but at least there was no smell.
In his hands there was a rectangular hand sized white laminated sheet of paper - license proclaiming that he was legally deaf/dumb/retarded? I wouldn't know for I wasn't able to get a good look at the card that he was holding. He was too distracting anyway gesturing about wanting something.
He was not like those other dumb/deaf vendors that you get coming up to your table with stuff to sell. He had nothing else with him other than a little black sling bag. We didn't know what he wanted. It seemed to me that he was gesturing for us to give him money.
I am not convinced that this guy needed us to give him money. In fact, he was a little scary the way he stood so close, gesturing with his hands. So Wani and I shook our heads but he wouldn't leave us alone. Wani and I kept on shaking our heads. We looked at each other several times and I could see her asking, "What do we do?" with her facial expression.
He eventually left us alone. Next he approached another table where a lady with her young daughter were seated. He did the same thing, except that this time, he left them alone as soon as the mother shook her head with a stern look on her face.
After that, he approached another table where two guys were seated. These guys look like they might be backpacking or traveling. It was a bit unusual to actually see people who aren't white backpacking around here though. Just an interesting thing that I observed that I thought I would share.
The beggar did the same thing. These two guys also rejected him and continued on eating their food.
The beggar then decided to come back to our table. This time he gestured for us to give him some fries to eat by pointing at the fries and then mocked putting the fries into his mouth to eat. I shook my head, no. I didn't know who this guy was and the fact that he seemed really dodgy.. I did not want him going near or touching my food. Then he pointed to my chicken nuggets instead, repeating the motion of putting the food into his mouth.
Again, I shook my head, no. This time, he tried to grab my nuggets but I pulled the box away in time. Then he touched and slid his hand across my left arm. At the are where my elbow is located. And walked away quickly after that but he kept glancing back to where we were sitting and smiling.
So fucking gross man. That stupid idiotic motherfucker touched me!!! If I wasn't so grossed out by the way he looked and the retarded way in which he acted, I would've gone after the guy and punched his face out! If only I wasn't afraid of touching him. And if only my conscience didn't feel bad for how RETARDED he must be! CRAZY GROSS OLD MAN!!!!!! Bloody what the fuck man! Can you imagine how creeped out I was after that?!?! My heart was pounding and I could feel my body starting to sweat. Cilaka you old man!
I'm never going anywhere again without a boy in tow. Thank God I had Wani with me. Sigh. There was actually a security guard nearby who had a shotgun who watched the whole thing. And the other two guys sitting at the table also saw the whole thing. Except they didn't do anything because I don't think they expected what happened to happen.
But I'm pretty sure that if dickface had gone one more step further, they would've done something to help. In a way, I wish that they (the security guard and the two men) had done something to help. I just want to know if Malaysians are able to do something, be selfless, when others are in trouble instead of just watching, as what Malaysians are famous for. But still, I wouldn't that ol' retardo going one step further. Urgh!
This is really creepy. My mom, Andy, and I went for dinner at Apollo. After dinner, we went to Belle's Bookshop because I wanted to buy some books to read. I just really miss completely immersing myself in a good story. After we were done there, we decided to make a move home.
On our way home, as we were turning out of a T-junction, we noticed that there was a dog right opposite us, amongst the grass. It was sniffing about. The dog was rather large and it was completely black. When I first spotted it, I noticed that there was something different about this dog.
I noticed that there was something strange. Something very wrong.
As we turned out of the junction, we were able to get closer to where the dog was and we were able to see the dog up close. There seemed to be a extremely large growth coming out of the side of its neck. I was on the right side of the car to be able to catch a really good look at it.
The growth strangely enough like an extra head. I kid you not. And I swear that I was not drunk at the time and that I have not even been drinking for the past week. In fact, you can ask my mom about what we saw for she was there too.
It looked like a head but a deformed head. Although the extra head seemed deformed, it was just as large as the other head if not slightly larger even! I know you might think that there might've been two dogs there and that I must've missed the other one. Or that two dogs were standing so close together that it looked like a two-headed dog. But I swear. The possibility of that also crossed my mind but I looked and counted the number of legs that were there and there was only four.
When we passed by the dog, we were less than a meter away from where it was.
It was seriously very creepy. My mom and I were both creeped out by what we saw. That extra head... That extreme growth... I don't know if it could be an extremely large tumor or not.. but as far as I know..
The extra head did actually have fur. The same fur that was covering the rest of the dog. It also seemed to have eyes and ears and a mouth. Although when I saw it, it didn't have as much definition to it as a normal dog would have. Its head was wider. Its mouth was closed. Its eyes were closed too. And its ears were smaller and seemed to be closed. A normal dog's ears would be able to flap about and perk up whereas the ears on this supposed head was sealed.
I don't know how true or how real two-headed dogs are or if there are such things. The only two headed dog I do know is the two-headed dog logo used by MTV2.
But I do know that I saw something that gave me the creeps. I also know that I wasn't the only who to see it. My mom saw it too. It gave both of us the creeps, this I know, because we just went really quiet.
I know it's stupid.. but I feel so creeped out by it that I'm convinced that I might've just seen the devil's dog.
kk trip - day 1
Day 1 - Tuesday, 26th June 2007
I woke up early at 5am because I wasn't really done with my packing. I was too distracted the night before and before I could finish packing, I was feeling tired and sleepy. So I decided to go to bed first and put my alarm to 5am so that I could continue packing later.
Woke up.. and immediately went to shower. If not, I might get carried away by packing and would not have enough time to shower. Got out of the shower at 5.40am. And the plan was to leave the house by 6am. Hahahaha!! Rushed to pack everything. Thank goodness for my things-to-pack lists! I always always always make a list when I am about to travel someplace so that I will never forget to pack things.. also makes it easier to know what I've packed before going off to someplace so that I won't leave anything behind when I leave. =)
Managed to pack the leftovers in just ten minutes. Then my family (mom/dad/Andy) got into the car and we drove to Marwina's house to pick her up. Then we went to Wani's place to pick her up. Got to the airport with no problems. Checked in our bags. See how much our bags weighed.
Wiena --> 10kgs
Me --> 10kgs
Wani --> about 8kgs ONLY!
Sigh. I guess it's cos Wani is a small person. Her clothes will be smaller than the rest of us. So her bag should be lighter. And I was so afraid of overpacking!! Wow. Luckily I took out more clothes that morning. Or else my bag would've weighed even more than 10 kilos. Hahaha!
It's a bad habit of mine to be prepared for anything!! So most of the time, I would overpack and end up not using a lot of the stuff I put in. Gah.
We had our little breakfast at one of the cafes they had in the airport. I only had a hot dog bun and a hot milo. Overpriced food. Urgh! Then we headed upstairs to the departure lounge.
We didn't have to wait long before it was time to board the plane. So we all dutifully queued up. Sigh. AirAsia.. so degrading. Btw, there was this group of guys we recognized cos they also go to Curtin. They were also going to KK for a holiday!
Woooo.... a lot of Curtains were going to KK too. A couple of my friends were there already as well as others who have yet to go. And more according to my brother. Argh! You think you want to escape these people by going to KK but who knew they all had the same idea in their minds. Hahaha.
Anyways, pity those guys! As soon as they announced that they would be boarding our flight, they rushed to try get to the front of the line. They wanted to get good seats on the plane. But the attendants soon found out that they did not even get their boarding passes checked at the immigration counter so the poor things had to go and get them checked before rejoining the queue at the end of the line. Haha!
We arrived in Kota Kinabalu in no time. The flight took only 30 minutes. It felt really funny reaching our destination so soon. It's almost like simply driving from one end of Miri to the other. I'm exaggerating. But I'm pretty sure that driving from one end of Miri to the other would still take less than an hour.
Our friend whom we would be staying with, Hazman, came to pick us up in his Nissan Frontier. Good thing too. Cos before we boarded the plane, we were still a bit unsure about who would be picking us up from the airport or if Hazman would even be able to pick us up.
We headed straight back to his apartment which was located at Bukit Padang. Apparently, located right next to the apartment is a looney bin and closeby was the Sabah Golf and Country Club. The place wasn't so bad although I was more expecting to be staying in a house instead of an apartment. I was also expecting for his family to be around but it turns out that they're all not around so we wouldn't have to deal with the parentals nor the sibling, which is always a good thing!
But it's not like they didn't know that he would be staying alone with three other girls. His parents are so cool that way. Although I have no idea as to how his girlfriend felt about the idea. I know I would've hated it if my boyfriend was to do something like that to me.
Whilst we were there, we roamed and checked out the new crib we would be staying in for the next few days, picked out beds and bedrooms we would like to stay in, and freshened up before going out again for brunch.
I don't know where we went for our first meal but I know it was definitely halal. I wasn't sure whether I could order stuff the same way I would in Miri.. like.. I didn't know if I could order milo peng. You know, cause I wasn't sure if they would understand the slangs or terms we used back in Miri so I ordered milo ais. Haha! Strange!!
But I found out that you can order milo peng. Yes, knock yourselves out.
When I looked at the sign where they had all the different food they served.. it was so odd cos I didn't know any of the foods although when I looked at the food on the other patron's tables, it looked like stuff you could find back home.
So I just shyly said, "Mee kering..?" to which the lady who was taking my order asked me something else back as to confirm if that was what I meant.. to which I simply nodded although I didn't catch what she said. Then she asked what I would like in the soup. Soup??? We never get soup back in Miri... but then again... I wasn't sure if what she thought I ordered was what I wanted. So I just choose fish cakes out of the several options that she gave me.
Why though? The noodles were a bit too dry. The fish cakes were gross to me. The soup was just okay. And the milo was too sweet. Some people are just so hard to please.
After our brunch, Hazman took us to go kai kai (a car ride) or sightseeing. Although he really shouldn't have! Cos he hasn't even slept yet. He and his friends were out all night the night before cos they went fishing. The poor thing must've been incredibly tired yet he brought us all out around town... showed us where what was.. what area this place was.. what this building is.. where he used to go to school.. how sweet, yea?
One of the places he brought us to was to Signal Hill. The roads up Signal Hill was incredibly windy. In fact, I don't even recall a single time or a particular bit during the journey up nor down that was a straight road. You can check out the video I recorded during our drive up the hill. No thanks to Hazman for turning Wani and I into clothes in a dryer - tumbling about the place due to his driving.
Then we went back to Hazman's place where Hazman slept for the rest of the afternoon. Wani slept too. Wiena didn't sleep at all. She stayed up watching TV. I fell asleep watching TV with her but only for 15 minutes. I fail at napping.
Later in the evening, everyone (which means only Wani and Hazman) eventually managed to get up. And we all got ready to go out for dinner. We had planned to go out for dinner with Halim (another guy who was supposed to have come up to KK together with us but ended up going up earlier) as well as more of Hazman's friends.

Everyone hanging out in the living room, watching TV.

Was waiting for the rest of them to get ready to go out for dinner.
Oh. Those wordings? Hahaha! I didn't know what to write and the thought of all those cheap wrapping papers/pencil cases/exercise books with such random poems with bad english on them crossed my mind. I know. So random!!
We were supposed to meet up with the rest of them at 7.30pm. We arrived just in time. We had gone to Tanjung Aru where there was a variety of food to be found. For there was a seafood restaurant, a bar/bistro, as well as a food court. Then we found out that the rest of them were nowhere to be found. Btw, Wani didn't join us for dinner this night cos she decided to have dinner out with her friend. So Wiena, Hazman, and I waited for the others to come.. There was a tattoo parlour upstairs so we went there to check it out and to kill time.

Wiena asked me to pose cos she wanted to send her friend a MMS of someone outside a tattoo parlour? Sigh. Me as a prop.
The picture of a tattoo in the thought bubble.. Hmmm... No. I don't actually want that tattoo. I would like a prettier one. Although I do love star tattoos. Hee.
Well, the rest of the people we were supposed to meet up with finally showed up... an hour later! Bad bad bad first impression, guys. Tsk. Luckily for them, I'm such a kind and forgiving person!
Oh yes, we spotted this little crab trying to run away from the restaurant. There was a seafood restaurant where we were. Hahaha. It was so cute. Go, little crabman, go!
But we didn't go to the seafood restaurant. Instead, we went to this side which was like a bar/bistro. Wasn't sure what to order so I decided to play it safe and order the Fish and Chips which was labeled to be a "chef's recommendation" in the menu.
We waited awhile and not before long, our food arrived. It was so funny! It turned out that everyone else at the table had ordered the exact same thing!! That had never happened around me before. And we only realized when our food were served! Everyone at the table had ordered fish and chips. Hahahaha.
Not only that.. but it turned out that everyone had ordered the same drinks as well! Everyone had coca cola. Yeah, like totally wtf man. Except that one guy ordered a cola light but that's close enough!
Unfortunately for everyone...
The fish they used wasn't fresh but at least coca cola is dependable. And thankfully, no one got sick from eating it.
Wiena's dad just happened to be in KK that night. It was unexpected because her dad couldn't get a flight back to Miri from Labuan so the airline offered her dad to stay in KK for a night before flying back to Miri the next morning. Since he was there, Wiena wanted to be able to stay with him for the night. So right after we were done with dinner, Hazman, Wiena and I, drove back to Hazman's place to grab Wiena's luggage and then sent her to Sutera Harbour Resort, where her dad would be staying. Lucky girl.
We had made plans with the rest of them to meet up at Signal Hill. So, Hazman and I (the only two left) drove up. Along the way, we ran into (not literally) Wani and her friend who was also headed up Signal Hill cos Wani had to meet up with us or else she wouldn't have any way to get back into the apartment later.

The view.

Everyone with the exception of Wani, who was busy chit chatting on the phone, and Halim, who helped take this picture.
I was rather shy and hesitant to join them because it was my first time meeting most of them that night. One of the guys there, Awang, I knew from playing Ragnarok Online. Hahaha! Back in form 5, Wani, Halim, Hazman, Awang, and I, used to party together in RO. It was really funny. Cos we were the lousiest party in RO, ever. There were also other people in our party - Daniel, Kalus, Aaron, Faeez but there weren't with us in KK. Everyone who was in our party were all from Miri. All except Awang who was from KK. He was only in our party cos he was Hazman's friend. Back when Hazman used to school in KK before moving back to Miri.
Ah. Our many misadventures in RO. Going here and there... having problems teleporting because our
So! It was our first time meeting with Awang whom we've known for 4 years but never met face to face. Hahaha. So shy lah. Anyways, after everyone was done chit chatting and drinking - Jim Beam and Coke. We decided to make a move to Colour Ball to play pool.
It's been awhile since I last played pool so yes, I sucked. At first, I played Halim. I won. Haha. But then again, it was his first time playing pool so he was a bit clumsy about it. But it's all good cos I haven't played in years so I was as rusty as a nail left out in the rain for a month.
After that, Sanjit came over to play me. We played about two or three rounds together and I won every single time. Although.. I do believe that someone let me win. Cos I've watched him playing the other guys before and he was really good at it. But somehow when he played me, I won? Pfft. Puh-lease. But it was so sweet of him. Some more after we were done playing, he paid on my behalf. I still feel bad about it. Cos I barely knew him and he was paying for me.
Halim handed Wani a pool cue. And we found out that Wani was almost shorter than a pool cue!! Hahaha. So funny. Look!
Soon, everyone was hungry again.. you know, boy being boys. The garbage cans that you can always depend on to finish your food for you. Hehehe. So we left Colour Ball, and went to a nearby restaurant. It was maybe 2 or 3am at the time. All the boys ate. I refrained. I wasn't hungry anyway.
We got back home at 3am or 4am that night.
And it was only our first day in KK.
PS. It was also the hottest day of all five days we spent in KK.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
if they were just like us
Earlier today, as my brother and I were walking back to the car, we came across a line of red ants marching across the corridor. I would've stepped right on them if Aaron did not warn me of them. Luckily, I drew back my foot in time. As I did that, I noticed that if you put your foot over these ants, they would run away to avoid being squished.
And thus, Aaron and I started imagining what they might've been saying:

at least my baby is good looking
"Cheh! >:( go see shrink pulak end up cuci mata. Sanggup tell the bf again. Hrmph.." said the boyfriend in reply in an SMS.
This morning I went in to Curtin to see the counselor. Blah. Nothing special happened. My brother was with me when I went over cos he wanted to get some school stuff done. Blah also.
There was a lot of new kids registering and paying their fees. Cos apparently, this sem, they changed the day of which they would let the new kids register and pay their fees to the second day instead of the first day of orientation week.
It was very crowded. So we had to wait for quite awhile before Aaron could have his turn up at the counters. In the meantime, I hung out with Ian and kept an eye out for any good looking new kids.
I asked Ian if there were any good looking new kids around.
"What?? You're free already meh?"
"Hahaha. Noo... Was just wondering. I need motivation to keep me going to this place. No good looking kids, eh? I might as well drop out now."
"Cheh.. Someday I'll get everyone here to wear a mask of Mark's face."
"Eeeee.... so creepy."
Yeah. So you basically guess what that SMS was about. Haha. I told Mark that there weren't any good looking new kids. Boo. But his reply was so cute lah.
There are more Australians coming in this sem. About 5 or 6 of them. Nothing special either unless you worship the ground that angmos walk on. If you do, you're so racist, man.
This reminds me of an issue my mom was talking about the other day. She was saying how when she was in KL the other day and visited some resort in the highlands. I forgot which. She noticed how Malaysians treat Malaysians like shit. But how they treat white people extra nice.
My boyfriend was around at the time. He said like, "Cos white people got money mar."
Then my mom said that it's not only white people who's got money. A lot of Malaysians are rich as well. The Chinese, for example. And there are a lot of Indians who are really rich these days too. Not to be racist or anything. And not to say that all Chinese and all Indians are super rich.
But it's so weird that you don't treat your own people with a little bit of respect. It's like saying that you yourself don't deserve any respect. You are not white either. You're a Malaysian as well, right? You know that saying. Need I even mention what saying I'm talking about?
Treat others as you would like yourself to be treated.
To quote my mom, "They are NOT gods."
She believes that we (Mirians) don't have that problem cos we're used to seeing them around all the time. Thanks to the oil and gas industry that brings these people in. So we know that they're no different than any other one of us.
Haha. Not to say that no one is special at all. But you know what I mean.
The point is, why would you treat your own people so badly?
It's retarded!
If you are Malaysian and you treat Malaysians nicely and treat white people badly, then this whole situation would make more sense. But nooooo... Malaysians are just so backward.
Hehe. This could've been my sempena bulan kemerdekaan entry.
I'm sorry. All these rotten apples really tend to spoil the whole bunch.
Monday, July 23, 2007
what's in a name?
Hurmmm.. I've been thinking about taking that last entry down. I feel that it makes me feel like I'm seeking attention. And I don't need pity. Haha.
Yeah! You know.. that's the number one thing I dread about growing old. That other people will pity me when I have grey hair or if I start balding. Gawd. No. Or if I'm unable to keep up with current technologies and I start looking at the public teleporter wondering if its supposed to be a photo/phone booth. :-/
But anyway, don't bother commenting on that last entry. Don't feel like you have to say something to make things seem better.
Anyway, I've been thinking of finally switching over to the new blogger. Simply because I got the opportunity to play around and figure out how to code it properly when I helped tweak Shine My Silhouette's blog.
And then I've also been thinking about like, changing this blog's url. I have this feeling that most of the people that stumble upon this place expect there to be recipes for cupcakes and muffins. Or at least expect my blog to be a food blog. Haha! I remember the time when Kym and I met another random blogger at the Miri International Jazz Fest this year.
Random: So you guys are bloggers too?
Kym: Yups. I'm SpycyKimchi and she's Cupcakes and Muffins.
Random: You guys are food bloggers?
Me: Haha!
Kym: No.
I want to redesign. Everything! I've been using white as a background colour for a long long long time now. Just have to figure out what colour would be good for me. Hum dee dum dum.
But holidays are almost over and I might just get lazy again soon. Besides, it's fine the way it is now, right? Wow. How quick did I change my mind?
Saturday, July 21, 2007
it always starts out that way and ends that way too
It's the all too common I feel like blogging but I have no idea what to blog about feeling. But as usual, even with this kinda feeling, the entry is sure to be a long one. Hence, the title of entry.
I haven't been sleeping well for the past few days. That's cos I've been sleeping in my parents room to accompany my little sister since my parents have been away for the past 4 days. Leaving me to be responsible for the house and all. And their bedroom is so hot. I don't understand how they manage to sleep at night with the air-conditioner that seemingly does not work.
So yeah, I've been lacking sleep. Waking up early too cos I have to send the little sis to school and I'm not one to go back to bed after I've woken up. Tonight I'm back in my own room cos the rents are back. But tonight I don't feel like sleeping.
Am feeling emo.
It's really funny. I can't seem to be able to articulate my feelings as well as I think I used to be able to. I've gotten all too used to sugarcoating my life for this blog. Yeah, I SUGARCOAT. And if I do feel like blogging something personal. I have another blog to do that on. It's private and for me only. Such a pity too, I sometimes think. Cos there's raw emotions on that blog. And all that glittery dramarama.
Bah. This blog is really boring to me.
I have this soft toy doggie that is currently lying next to me on my bed that has been with me for years now. It was a gift. From someone who had wanted me to be his girlfriend for what felt like eons ago. Unfortunately, I had to turn him down. I had fallen for someone else back then. Of course I felt bad about doing what I did. But I kept this dog that he gave me. And I liked smelling it. For some reason the dog had this wonderful scent. I do wonder if it was cos he sprayed some perfume or cologne on it before he gave it to me. From time to time, I liked to hold it up to me and smell it. Now I'm rather sad. Cos it has finally lost that smell. After 4 years.
We're still good friends. I was thinking back to that time where I was in my friend's living room. There was just the two of us there. He was going through some rough times. And we were just there on the couch talking about everything and nothing. He was lying on the couch with his head in my lap. Not to worry. We're just good friends that way. And it was nice that he trusted me enough to talk to me about what he's going through.
And then I wonder why Mark doesn't do that to me. Come to me and talk. He says that he just doesn't want me to be unhappy for him.. and that I'm not there to help carry his burdens. He doesn't get that I want to carry his burdens. I want to be there for him to talk to. I want to listen to what he says.. I guess that's why I remember everything that we ever talked about. And I want to feel sad for him. And to carry him when he needs to be carried. Although I might not be so strong to do that.. I do hope that I do leviate whatever problems he has slightly, at the very least. Me being the hopeless romantic that I am.
Hmmm.. my iTunes have been dishing out very mellow, quite depressing songs. Damn. Apple is quite impressive, eh? They even manage to program iTunes to churn out songs to match the mood of the user. Haha. Either that, or I have too many of these kinda songs. Hmmm.
I don't know where my relationship with Mark is going to bring me. I feel like we're at an ends. But on some days, I feel like there's hope. Few weeks ago, I lost those "feelings". That was even before I left for KK.
*goes off to read private blog about how she felt during those dark times*
Sigh. I wrote about how I figured he would take the easy way out and try break up with me. Know what? That happened. I was so heartbroken to know that I was right. When he was trying to break up with me, I broke. I cried. I haven't done that in ages ever since I felt like I lost my feelings for him. And the fact that I cried showed that I cared.
Things got better after that.. I got my feelings for him back again. For a long time, I was worried because I didn't know whether it would come back or not. But it did. Especially after one night, we went out, and he heh.. *blush* .. he looked so handsome that I fell for him again.
The problem between us had not been that we don't love each other. We loved one another, of course. We were simply not in love. Sigh. So.. I'm in love with him again.. but I don't think he's been in love with me and hasn't been in a very long time.
I guess that's why he was never like any other boyfriends I know. The ones that would love to post up pictures of them with their girlfriends because they're so proud of them. Or they just want others to know how in love they are. Kinda ew, thinking about it.
Or how they like to take pictures of/with their girlfriends cos they're so beautiful in their eyes. Or how they walk hand in hand. Or how they miss them just as soon as they leave the room. And how they have icky mushy messages for each other in their MSN nicknames. I know it's all so high school.
But I just want to be his number one, for once.
I want him to fall for me. I want him to think I'm beautiful. I want him to feel like there's only the two of us in a crowded room when he looks at me. I want him to send me a song because he loves it so much he simply wanted to share so that I could love it too. I want him to want me to be with him to do stuff together.. whether it is to read a book.. or to watch a movie.. or just to wash the dishes.
I, the hopeless romantic, wants to be his number one.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
hey, i want to tell you something
You know what..?
There's something I want.. like.. really really really really WANT!
Like, really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really will love you long time if you make this happen for me really!
I'm just kidding. But seriously! (Like how White Goodman says it from Dodgeball, the movie) Anyway!
And check out the awesome line-up that they've got planned!!!
August 8: 5pm to 11pm
Pet Shop Boys
The Stranglers
Cyndi Lauper
Sugar Ray
Sasha Bach Band
August 9: 1pm to 11pm
Gym Class Heroes
Avenged SevenFold
Crowned King
The Academy Is...
The Noisettes
Cobra Starship
One Buck Short
The Great Spy Experiment
Eye Candy Twins
In fact, I don't mind missing the first day's performers. But I seriously want to be there for the second day!!
But. And it's a very big, humongous BUT...

[buy tickets]
world of webcamwhoring
If you do.. then you're welcome to join me in the world of webcamwhoring at Cameroid!! *click*
Cameroid lets you choose between several effects. My favourite has been the Cheap Romantic, as well as the Mona Lisa. Hehe. I found it very easy to use. Just remember to allow it to access your computer's webcam. Go check it out.
It even lets you save the pictures you took with the effects. Check some of mine out.

This is just me. Normal. No special effects whatsoever.
What was I doing? I was watching The Kill on MTV. Haha.

I was trying to do an ah lian pose.
Cos how weird would it be if our dollar notes had our leaders posing that way?
It's not a very good picture but I just couldn't bring myself to striking another pose like that again!

I'm a happy monkey.

It's supposed to look like a comic book/superhero kinda style.
But the pixels were a bit too large that I couldn't figure out what kinda pose to do.
So I was just showing you how to make the shadow of a dog with your hand!

I would look so creepy as a ghost.
Did you notice my lousy brother who ruined the shot?

We're conjoined at the forehead. Doctors say that it's too much of a risk to separate us.

Le sigh. Oh, the life of a depressed cartoon character.

Uhhh... don't ask me what I was trying to do.

You know I'm doing all this just for you, right?
You, you and you!
The Cheap Romantic Series

Dreaming of Mark.

Dreaming of Brandon.

Dreaming of my love.

Dreaming of love.
The Mona Lisa Series

Attempting to do the mysterious famous Mona Lisa smile.

Mona Lisa and her furrowed face.

Mona Lisa thinks that your checkered pants SO does not match your checkered shirt.

Mona Lisa gives your little children this look when your back is turned.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
sing this song, remind me that we'll always have each other

Artist: Incubus
Title: Dig
Album: Light Grenades
Year: 2006
I've been obsessed with this song for quite some time now. Been wanting to share but.. I just never found the time, somehow. My create-a-new-post would always be open when I first go online but I never do anything on it. It's about time I did share though. It's the least I can do for my hubby, Brandon Boyd. <3 I love the way he would roll his Rs in this song.. so sexy! Hehehe. I feel like I've fallen in love all over again with them with this new album. Enjoy!!
We all have a weakness
But some of ours are easier to identify
Look me in the eye
And ask for forgiveness
We'll make a pact to never speak that word again
Yes, you are my friend
We all have something that digs at us
Atleast we dig each other
So when weakness turns my ego up
I know you'll count on the me from yesterday
If I turn into another
Dig me up from under what is covering
The better part of me
Sing this song
Remind me that we'll always have each other
When everything else is gone
We all have a sickness
That cleverly attaches and multiplies
No matter how we try
We all have someone that digs at us
Atleast we dig each other
So when sickness turns my ego up
I know you'll act as a clever medicine
If I turn into another
Dig me up from under what is covering
The better part of me
Sing this song
Remind me that we'll always have each other
When everything else is gone
Oh, each other… when everything else is gone
Oh oh oh oh oh oh....
If I turn into another
Dig me up from under what is covering
The better part of me
Sing this song
Remind me that we'll always have each other
When everything else is gone
Oh, each other… when everything else is gone
Oh, each other… when everything else is gone
Thursday, July 12, 2007
exploding minds
Life is getting harder.
I wish I didn't have to face the things that have been thrown at me recently.
Life is still intent on killing me by shoveling shit to cover my grave.
Lack of blog posts is due mainly to that.
Monday, July 09, 2007
you'll be smart to figure this out
Exam results are coming out in 3 days. Eeeeps!
Erm.. I'm hungry. I wonder what's for dinner.
Betapa mudahnya kau untuk dikagumi...
Mungkin kau takkan pernah sadar
Betapa mudahnya kau untuk dicintai...
Saturday, July 07, 2007
singapore's orchid garden
Wow... there are actually tonnes to blog about. I have tonnes of pictures that you haven't seen yet. Hahaha. And I was planning to blog about all of them but oh well.. just got busy and all that. So... hope you don't mind that the stuff I'm about to blog about is a tad bit expired.
Pictures for this post will be a tad bit big. One of the mornings in Singapore, we followed my aunt over to the Botanical Gardens because we wanted to check the place out. And also since my aunt was going for her daily morning exercise so why not?
While Mark and I were walking around taking pictures of each other.. this guy that was exercising nearby came up to us and offered to take a picture of the both of us together. That was a nice thing to do! I was a bit wary about handing my camera over to someone I didn't know.. but we were in Singapore and you can afford to be more lax about these kinda things than say in places like maybe India?
We didn't go around the main garden cos we didn't want to waste time. So we went straight to the Orchid Gardens. To enter that place, we had to pay an entrance fee. Otherwise, just entering the botanical gardens would be free.
There were also special orchids that were genetically engineered. These orchids were made by the people right there responsible for the botanical gardens. They would usually name these orchids after famous people who would visit the gardens.
In fact, they even made one for me!
These are the orchids specially engineered for me!

You know.. I just realised "I" also visited the botanical gardens before I was born. Hmmm. Could I have been wrong about the orchids not being for me? =(

Cam. Whore.
Btw, I lost those earrings. Which was too bad cos I really loved them. Mark bought them for me. Sort of anyway. =( I think I lost them when I went over to Seremban for the Chinese New Year celebrations. Took them off.. and then they just completely disappeared! Sigh. So sedih.




Cute fountain.

Is this a weed?


Cute lah all these decorative garden things.

What the point of blogging about a garden if I don't put it's residents up on show?

This flower is kinda freaky.. cos it was so big. It was like a monster mutant orchid.

I love the colours on this orchid!

For some reason.. when I look at this picture... a mental image of the Alien from like, Alien Vs. Predator comes to mind. Some deep psychological problem maybe?


So many different colours.

Look at the little fatty! Hahaha.
Btw, that place was really cool. It was like a huge refrigerator which Mark and I truly appreciated after walking around in the sun that whole morning. I don't think I have to explain why the place is like a giant refrigerator. Duh. It's for the plants that prosper in cold climates.
And now for the pretty landscape shots...
I tricked Mark into doing that shot. He was actually looking the other way when I yelled, "YAAATAAAAAA!!" then he turned around and put his hands up to join me to say YATA! as well but I had my camera already focused and ready and took this snapshot. Haha. Sucker. Teeheehee!!
I look like a damn freak but like, I dunno.. it's either my tired face or my I want to shower face or my staring at the sun face. Can't remember. Haha. Could be all three!
The Botanical Gardens is a very beautiful place to visit. And a must go! And you must especially visit the Orchid Gardens. You don't have to go around the main garden. Just go visit the Orchid Garden is good enough.
But if you have the time, do both.
It's even better if you could pack a picnic basket, go the the gardens, and just sit about, enjoying your food and the scenery. Did that before too when I was younger. It was fun.