Thursday, September 27, 2007

cuss like a sailor

Sux. I made videos and YouTube is taking it's time processing them. Memang like this wan ka?? How come it takes agessssss for YouTube to process my videos. Usually days!! Is it like this? I don't remember it taking this long before. :-/

But the last two, no three videos I posted took days before it showed up. Very sad. Means I have to blog late. Grr. Not like anyone reads my blog but you know, blah blah blah. I just want to show no one something. Hahaha.

Erm. Today it rained. Hehe.

Eh, just now I almost got hit by some fucker's car. GERAM!! I show you how!


Gila babi betul. And he was like, 1 or 2 inches away from my car! And he had the atrocity to beep me! When he was clearly in the wrong! Excuse me, okay. I'm minding my own business and going into the correct lane. This fucker here was trying to come into MY lane. You think got two lanes there for what?! Only later then okaylah, you cut in and merge into one lane! Fucker. You don't bloody try to enter in the wrong lane. There are two lanes there for a reason! For those who turn right from the middle lane lah, duh. Like that bitch idiot man.

I wish these kinda people death, okay. But I didn't wish it on him. Usually I would but since he had his own kids with him in the car, I didn't want him to die yet. Just in case his car crashes with his kids still in there and I don't wish upon them any harm. Especially cos I assume that they're still innocent. Ha ha. Stupid stupid. This middle aged guy? I would've been more lenient if it had been a senile old man. But sheesh. Still young (middle aged) and already driving like some senile.

Sorry! Just me bitching again. Enough lah. These kind of people should drive off a cliff. Muahaha.

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