Saturday, September 29, 2007

riding a human gyroscope


Last Saturday, I went up to Brunei to visit Mark since he wasn't going to come back down that weekend. He wasn't able to come down because he was busy moving. So I helped him out with moving a bit. Only a bit because most of the stuff were done already. Oh, and that day was a really hot day too! So we were lucky to be able to get away from all the moving chaos early.

Mark had promised me before that if I ever came down to Brunei, he would bring me to OGDC which is the Oil and Gas Discovery Center in Brunei. All because after coming out of the Singapore's Science Center, he claimed that the OGDC in Brunei was way better than the Science Center in Singapore. Which I had no problem believing because [explanation here].

Anyway! While I was there, I got to feed the fishes which was hilarious cos they were all fighting over the food we threw into the water. I have a feeling that they have been starving for days because it's the puasa season so not a lot of people have been visiting the OGDC - so the fishes have also been fasting. Hahaha!

What girl can resist mirrors?

I also got to ride the human gyroscope which they have at the OGDC. Sweet. I wish the ride had been more intense though. I have a feeling that the guys who were operating the gyroscope went easy on me. Cos I saw several videos on YouTube where the riders seemed to get a more intense ride. So unfair!!!! Well, check this out and forgive the Medusa hairstyle the gyroscope gave me:

That was fun, nonetheless. Although I probably shouldn't have gone on the ride. Hahaha!! Cos I read the warnings which usually has the normal warnings such as the ride is a no go for pregnant ladies, those with heart problems, etc etc, and one of them was also for those who have ear problems - which of course, struck at chord with me. The sign also said, "if in doubt, don't do it."

But I'm so silly and kiasu that I wanted to go on the ride anyway. Hahaha! And nothing totally bad happened so oh yeah! *pumps fist in air* They also had an earthquake stimulator which is this tiny house with four buttons inside. Small, medium, large, and stop. You get to go inside the house, select which size earthquake you would like, and the house will start shaking. It was interesting. But not so fun after the gyroscope.

I forgot I had taken a video of the earthquake stimulator. Hehehe. It's going to be an unedited 20 second video though. I'm sure you're curious enough to forgive me for that.

There was also a tornado stimulator, which was this glass enclosure which you were allowed to enter and at a flip of the switch, a tornado would form around you and you are also invited to stand in the middle of the tornado if you like. It was too bad that it didn't work. Greg and I were standing for minutes in that glass casing looking like right fools waiting for something to happen. Hehehe.

we could be on candid camera
Check your Brunei TV channels to be sure.

They were supposed to have closed by 3pm but they let us play around for an extra 15 minutes because we came so late. Hahaha! We didn't know that they would close early because it's the puasa season. Otherwise, they would close only at 5pm. So outside, we fed the fishes again and then we spotted something in their park:

why is my king black
Wondering why my Queen was black.

No, I didn't play. It was way too hot out to stay very long. You know what's so hilarious? They actually cut off the crosses that you will find on top of the Kings! Sheesh.

You know, I rarely update on the weekends. So you guys are so lucky, eh?? So what if it's because Mark didn't come back this weekend either. Blah blah bloody blah.


Alex Allied said...

this is an Islamic country mah, cannot put crosses one.

Must put bulan.

Kim said...

lol yeah. but it's strange lah. i walked there and was wondering, "who vandalized this chess set?" and then realizing that i was in brunei. hehehe. guess it's a good thing i wasn't arrested for wearing no sleeve shirt and for eating ice cream in public. :P

Jill said...

my eyes going funny from the gyroscope video. round and round and round and round and round aanour fround and rounad and rtounadao

Kim said...

i still wish it had been more intense damnit. hahahahaha. jill the nutcase. :P