Wednesday, November 22, 2006

first day of hols was yesterday

First day into the holidays and already I was bored. This must be a record. It should probably be at least a week before anyone could start complaining. Ha ha.

Hurrrmm.. so.. what should I do for this 3 month holidays?

I don't really want to work. I've been slaving my ass off for the past 9 months. So no, thank you.

What Kim should consider doing over the holidays:

  1. Work out/exercise
  2. Read books (means must buy books, but no $$!)
  3. Watch TV? (Actually, no thanks.)
  4. Buy X'mas presents (means I also need $$. hmm.)
  5. Take up a new sport?
  6. Practice violin!
  7. Practice piano. Muahaha.
  8. Catch on Anime. :-/ Geek, I am.
  9. Read comics. Ehehe.
  10. Watch movies and DVDs. (sounds like a good prospect)
  11. Pick up cycling again.
  12. Fix the bikes.
Just stuff that managed to come to mind just at the moment. Maybe there's more.
Oh. Yes, catch up on PS2 games should also be on the list. Hahaha.

Ah. Bored, I am.


Jill said...

The catch up on PS2 part would be on the top of my list. Sadly, I don't have hols yet and my exams are far from over.

Geekier I am.

Kim said...

lol. but now. incredibly lazy, i am. :D