Thursday, November 02, 2006

just a thought

I'm wondering if I should be honest here or would it be better if I just sugarcoated my life.


Kim said...

awww man! you're mocking me too.

Anonymous said...

i'll always read honest posts. nuff said. =)

Anonymous said...

*trying to get inside Emily's head*...

If you're not comfortable sharing something totally unnecessary, don't. I guess.

Kim said...

actually, it's kinda.. stupid. i AM always honest no matter what i write wherever i write.

just a matter of whether i want to start writing something or not, i guess. cos if I do start writing about something. It WILL be honest.

Hehe. It's been concluded. :P

stupid loop holes in my head. lalala~

pinknerd said...

marie marie! I want to comment here too! It's late la considering you've updated alot, but I still nak. Hehehe. See, I guess GuiltySecrets was an honest place and people wants to know more because you weren't afraid to say what you think. You weren't afraid to post up NAMES if you're angry at someone. You're like totally superlah. Haha.

Here is safe. It's still honest, but it's 'safe.' Then again, I don't think it's the events in your life that makes your blog a success, it's how you tell them. Just so you know? I think this place will grow through time. chill ;)

Kim said...

wow gee thanks for calling me super. hahahaha. i feel like i have to go protect the world from supervillians now.

i guess i could still post up names of people i'm angry at. lol. just that i haven't been angry at any one person all too much lately. been angry, sure. just not enough at anyone to burn them on my blog.

or maybe i'm just trying not to. cos it's a very evil thing to do. hahahahaha. it is. besides, my blog ni.. very like the virgin. hahaha. :P if you know what i mean.

Kim said...

and thanks, jat. that means a lot to me. =)

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm going to create a blog, but I don't know how. I have some ideas. I think that in a blog, someone writes whatever he/she wants. But I think too that, sometimes is dangerous to write many things. And I have a question, if I write feelings or things which has happened to me in my life is good or a bad idea. Maybe, they can be used against me, or maybe not. It depends. But a blog with only information about things can be also boring. Is possible to create a blog mixing life and information with no risks? I hope you can help me a bit. Thanks.

Kim said...

hello errant soul!
thanks for dropping by. of course it's possible for you to create a blog mixing life and information. But one without risks? Nothing in life is without risk.

Drinking out of a can with a straw has risks. What if you accidentally sucked too hard and swallowed your straw making you choke and die?

Stupid example but I hope you get my point. I guess if you want to decide what you want to write.. you have to ask yourself why are you blogging and who are you doing it for?

You or for the benefit of others? Just someplace to put thoughts like a journal? Or someplace where frens and family can drop by so that you can tell them all about how you're doing and what's been up lately.

And yes, of course there are limits to writing a public blog. I'm sure i won't have to tell you. If you want to write intimate private things, i suggest you make a private blog and keep it seperate from your public blog. =) Either that or sign up with a blogging service which allows you to password protect certain entries so that only certain individuals would have access to.

I hope that helped. =) Goodluck!

PS. Would you like to share ur blog with me once u've created one? :P