Monday, November 06, 2006

manic mondays

You know, I was so happy earlier today. Not only did I have a great weekend, but I also handed in my last assignment for the semester.

Lega rasa!

It's the first time that I've ever made a portfolio that is so thick. 170 plus pages, people. Although my portfolio was not the thickest of the bunch but it still remains the thickest portfolio I've ever made. Our assignment was to make a Learning Portfolio where we would have to pick three samples of work from each unit that we have been doing this semester and to write our reflections on it. We had to pick our best, average, and most disappointing work and then comment on why we picked them and how did they help in our learning process or how it did not do anything for us. And we had to do that for all the units that we have been taking for this semester.

That's why it was so thick.

I'm kinda proud of what I have done for it.. cos I also put little tabs along the side of my portfolio just so that the lecturer or whoever would be thumbing through my portfolio would have an easier time looking for certain chapters. I thought it was cute.. Hehe. Ah. You know, I didn't even want to hand it in! Because soooooo sayang la! That portfolio is full of all the work and effort I've put into this frigging course over this semester.

Sigh. But have to lah, kan? Dahla my portfolio looked so professional and pretty. Ah, darn. And to think that I won't be seeing it ever again..

Legalah but now.. RIGHT NOW... I'm having a panic attack.

Any guesses why?


It rained earlier today. So as I was walking by myself, in the cafeteria, I slipped, and cried, "FUCK!" out loud.

Eheh. Malu la. At least I didn't fall. But a girl that was closeby looked me right in the eye and I just clapsed one of my hands across my pretty foul mouth and walked quickly away. Hahahahaaa.


Anonymous said...

Haha...a nice ending for your great day indeed.

And start studying! :D

Kim said...

lol. and by great, you meant "great", right? :P